In 1800, Most Farm Families Were Incapable of Making Clothing and Farm Equipment. True False

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Academic Reading Exam 6

Role 1

Why do people collect things?

People from almost every culture love collecting things. They might collect stamps, books, cards, priceless paintings or worthless ticket stubs to old sports games. Their collection might hang on the walls of a mansion or be stored in a box under the bed. And then what is it that drives people to collect? Psychologist Dr Maria Richter argues that urge to collect is a basic human being characteristic. Co-ordinate to her, in the very first years of life we class emotional connections with lifeless objects such as soft toys. And these positive relationships are the starting betoken for our fascination with collecting objects. In fact, the desire to collect may go dorsum further all the same. Scientists suggest that for some aboriginal humans living hundreds of thousands of years ago, collecting may have had a serious purpose. Only by collecting sufficient nutrient supplies to last though freezing winters or dry summers could our ancestors stay alive until the weather improved.

It turns out that fifty-fifty collecting for pleasure has a very long history. In 1925, the archeologist Leonard Woolley was working at a site in the historic Babylonian city of Ur. Woolley had travelled to the region intending only to excavate the site of a palace. Instead, to his astonishment, he dug up artefacts, which appeared to belong to a 2,500- year-old museum. Amid the objects was function of a statue and a slice of a local building. And accompanying some of the artefacts were descriptions like modern-day labels. These texts appeared in three languages and were carved into pieces of clay. It seems likely that this early individual collection of objects was created by Princess Ennigaldi, the daughter of King Nabonidus. However, very footling else is known about Princess Ennigaldi or what her motivations were for setting upwardly her collection.

This may accept been one of the first large private collections, only it was not the last. Indeed, the fashion for establishing collections really got started in Europe around 2,000 years later with so-called 'Cabinets of Curiosities'. These were collections, ordinarily belonging to wealthy families that were displayed in cabinets or minor rooms. Cabinets of Curiosities typically included fine paintings and drawings, but equal importance was given to exhibits from the natural world such as brute specimens, shells and plants.

Some significant individual collections of this sort appointment from the fifteenth century. One of the first belonged to the Medici family. The Medicis became a powerful political family in Italy and afterwards a purple house, but banking was originally the source of all their wealth. The family started by collecting coins and valuable gems, then artworks and antiques from effectually Europe. In 1570 a hush-hush 'studio' was built inside the Palazzo Medici to house their growing collection. This exhibition room had solid walls without windows to keep the valuable collection safety.

In the seventeenth century, another fabulous collection was created past a Danish physician proper name Ole Worm. His collection room contained numerous skeletons and specimens, likewise equally aboriginal texts and a laboratory. One of Ole Worm'southward motivations was to signal out when other researchers had made mistakes, such as the false merits that birds of paradise had no anxiety. He likewise owned a great auk, species of bird that has now become extinct, and the analogy he produced of it has been of value to afterwards scientists.

The passion for collecting was merely as potent in the nineteenth century. Lady Charlotte Guest spoke at least 6 languages and became well-known for translating English books into Welsh. She also travelled widely throughout Europe acquiring erstwhile and rare pottery, which she added to her collection at dwelling in southern England. When Lady Charlotte died in 1895 this drove was given to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. At around the aforementioned time in the n of England, a wealthy goldsmith named Joseph Mayer was building upwardly an enormous collection of artefacts, especially those dug upward from sites in his local area. His legacy, the Mayer Trust, continues to fund public lectures in accordance with his wishes.

In the twentieth century, the writer Beatrix Potter had a magnificent drove of books, insects, plants and other botanical specimens. Most of these were donated to London's Natural History Museum, just Beatrix held on to her cabinets of fossils, which she was specially proud of. In the United Stats, President Franklin D. Roosevelt began his stamp drove as a child and continued to add to it all his life. The stress associated with being president was easier to cope with, Roosevelt said, by taking time out to focus on his drove. By the end of his life this had expanded to include model ships, coins and artworks.

Well-nigh of us will never own collections so large or valuable every bit these. However, the examples given here suggest that collecting is a passion that has been shared past endless people over many centuries.

Part 2

Making Documentary Films

A For much of the twentieth century, documentary films were over shadowed by their more than successful Hollywood counterparts. For a number of reasons, documentaries were frequently ignored by critics and movie studies courses at universities. Firstly, the very idea of documentary film made some people suspicious. As the critic Dr Helmut Fischer put it, 'Documentary makers might have ambitions to tell the "truth" and show but "facts" but there is no such affair as a non-fiction motion-picture show. That's because, as before long every bit y'all tape an incident on camera, you lot are altering its reality in a fundamental fashion'. Secondly, fifty-fifty supporters of documentaries could not agree on a precise definition, which did little to improve the reputation of the genre. Lastly, there were also concerns virtually the ethics of filming subjects without their consent, which is a necessity in many documentary films.

B None of this prevented documentaries from being produced, though exactly when the process started is open up to question. It is often claimed that Nanook of the North was the first documentary. Made past the American filmmaker Robert J. Flaherty in 1922, the movie depicts the hard, sometimes heroic lives of native American peoples in the Canadian Arctic. Nanook of the North is said to have set up off a tendency that continued though the 1920s with the films of Dziga Vertov in the Soviet Union and works past other filmmakers around the world. Notwithstanding, that 1922 starting signal has been disputed by supporters of an earlier engagement. Among this group is movie historian Anthony Berwick, who argues that the genre can be traced back as early on as 1895, when like films started to appear, including newsreels, scientific films and accounts of journeys of exploration.

C In the years post-obit 1922, one particular manner of documentary started to appear. These films adopted a serious tone while depicting the lives of actual people. Cameras were mounted on tripods and subjects rehearsed and repeated activities for the purposes of the film. British filmmaker John Grierson was an important member of this group. Grierson's career lasted about xl years, commencement with Drifters (1929) and culminating with I Remember, I Call up (1968). However, by the 1960s Grierson'southward mode of flick was being rejected by the Direct Cinema movement, which wanted to produce more natural and authentic films: cameras were hand-held; no additional lighting or sound was used; and the subjects did not rehearse. According to pic author Paula Murphy, the principles and methods of Directly Cinema brought documentaries to the attending of universities and motion-picture show historians equally never before. Documentaries started to exist recognized every bit a singled-out genre worthy of serious scholarly assay.

D Starting in the 1980s, the widespread availability of outset video and so digital cameras transformed filmmaking. The flexibility and low price of these devices meant that anyone could now be a filmmaker. Amateurs working from domicile could compete with professionals in ways never possible earlier. The appearance of online film-sharing platforms in the early 2000s only increased the new possibilities for amateur documentaries were existence made, perhaps the almost pop documentary of 2006 was still the professionally made An Inconvenient Truth. New cameras and digital platforms revolutionised the making of films. Merely as critic Maria Fiala has pointed out, ' The arguments sometimes put forward that these innovations immediately transformed what the public expected to see in a documentary isn't entirely authentic.'

E Withal, a new generation of documentary filmmakers then emerged, and with them came a new philosophy of the genre. These filmmakers moved abroad from highlighting political themes or urgent social problems. Instead the focus moved inwards, exploring personal lives, relationships and emotions. It could be argued that Catfish (2010) was a perfect example of this new trend. The film chronicles the everyday lives and interactions of the social media generation and was both a commercial and critical success. Filmmaker Josh Camberwell maintains that Catfish embodies a new realization that documentaries are inherently subjective and that this should be celebrated. Says Camberwell, 'It is a requirement for documentary makers to limited a detail viewpoint and give personal responses to the material they are recording.'

F The popularity and diversity of documentaries today is illustrated by the big number of film festivals focusing on the genre around the world. The biggest of all must be Hot Docs Festival in Canada, which over the years has showcased hundreds of documentaries from more than 50 unlike countries Even older is the Hamburg International Short Pic Festival. As its name suggests, Hamburg specializes in short films, merely one category takes this to its limits – entries may non exceed iii minutes in duration. The Curt and Sweet Festival is a slightly smaller event held in Utah, USA. The small size of the festival means that for outset timers this is the ideal venue to endeavor to get some recognition for their films. Then there is the Atlanta Shortsfest, which is a peachy event for a wide variety of filmmakers. Atlanta welcomes all established types of documentaries and recognises the growing popularity of animations, with a category specifically for films of this type. These are merely a few of the scores of moving-picture show festivals on offering, and there are more being established every year. All in all, it has never been easier for documentary makers to get their films in front of an audience .

Part 3

Jellyfish: A Remarkable Marine Life Grade

When viewed in the wild, jellyfish are maybe the most graceful and vividly coloured of all ocean creatures. But few people have seen a jellyfish living in its natural habitat. Instead, they might run across a dead and shapeless specimen lying on the beach, or perhaps receive a painful sting while swimming, so it is inevitable that jellyfish are often considered ugly and possibly dangerous. This misunderstanding tin be partly traced dorsum to the 20th century, when the use of massive nets and mechanical winches frequently damaged the delicate jellyfish that scientists managed to recover. Equally a result, disappointingly picayune research was carried out into jellyfish, as marine biologists took the like shooting fish in a barrel choice and focused on physically stronger species such equally fish, crabs and shrimp. Fortunately, even so, new techniques are now existence developed. For example, scientists have discovered that audio bounces harmlessly off jellyfish, so in the Arctic and Kingdom of norway researchers are using sonar to monitor jellyfish beneath the sea's surface. This, together with airplane surveys, satellite imagery and underwater cameras, has provided a wealth of new information in recent years.

Scientists know believe that in shallow water alone at that place are at least 38 million tonnes of jellyfish and these creatures inhabit every type of marine habitat, including deep water. Furthermore, jellyfish were once regarded as relatively lone, but this is some other area where science has evolved. Dr Karen Hansen was the first to suggest that jellyfish are in fact the middle of entire ecosystems, as shrimp, lobster, and fish shelter and feed amid their tentacles. This proposition has subsequently been conclusively proven by contained studies. DNA sequencing and isotope analysis take provided further insights, including the identification of numerous additional species of jellyfish unknown to scientific discipline only a few years ago.

This brings us to the issue of climate change. Research studies effectually the world have recorded a massive growth in jellyfish populations in recent years and some scientists have linked this to climatic change. Nevertheless, while this may be apparent, information technology cannot be established with certainty as other factors might exist involved. Related to this was the longstanding bookish belief that jellyfish had no predators and therefore there was no natural process to limit their numbers. However, observations made by Paul Dewar and his squad showed that this was wrong. As a result, the scientific community at present recognises that species including sharks, tuna, swordfish and some salmon all prey on jellyfish.

It is still widely assumed that jellyfish are among the simplest lifeforms, every bit they no encephalon or key nervous organization. While this is true, we now know they possess senses that let them to see, feel and interact with their environment on subtle means. What is more, analysis of and so-called 'upside-down jellyfish' shows that they shut down their bodies and rest in much the aforementioned way that humans do at night, something once widely believed to be impossible for jellyfish. Furthermore, far from 'floating' in the water as they are still sometimes idea to do, assay has shown jellyfish to be the most economical swimmers in the animal kingdom. In short, scientific progress in recent years has shown that many of our established beliefs about jellyfish were inaccurate. Jellyfish, though, are not harmless. Their sting tin can cause a serious allergic reaction in some people and large outbreaks of them – known as 'blooms' – can impairment tourist businesses, break fishing nets, overwhelm fish farms and block industrial cooling pipes. On the other paw, jellyfish are a source of medical collagen used in surgery and wound dressings. In addition, a particular poly peptide taken from jellyfish has been used in over 30,000 scientific studies of serious diseases such as Alzheimer's. Thus, our relationship with jellyfish is circuitous equally there are a range of conflicting factors to consider.

Jellyfish take existed more than or less unchanged for at least 500 million years. Scientists recognise that over the planet's history there accept been three major extinction events connected with changing environmental weather condition. Together, these destroyed 99% of all life, but jellyfish lived through all three. Inquiry in the Mediterranean Ocean has at present shown, remarkably, that in old age and on the bespeak of expiry, certain jellyfish are able to revert to an earlier physical state, leading to the assertion that they are immortal. While this may not technically be true, information technology is certainly an extraordinary discovery. What is more than, the oceans today incorporate xxx% more poisonous acid than they did 100 years ago, causing problems for numerous species, only not jellyfish, which may fifty-fifty thrive in more acidic waters. Jellyfish throughout their long history accept shown themselves to exist remarkably resilient.

Studies of jellyfish in form know as scyphozoa have shown a life cycle of three distinct phases. Kickoff, thousands of babies known equally planulae are released. Them, after a few days the planulae develop into polyps – stationary lifeforms that feed off floating particles. Finally, these are transformed into something that looks like a stack of pancakes, each of which is a tiny jellyfish. Information technology is at present understood that all species of jellyfish go through similarly distinct stages of life. This is further show of just how sophisticated and unusual these lifeforms are.

Questions 27-32
Practise the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the passage? In boxes 27-32 on your respond sheet, write

YES If the argument agrees with the claims of the writer
NO If the argument contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN If it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

27 Information technology is surprising that many people accept negative views of jellyfish.

28 In the 20th century, scientists should accept conducted more studies of jellyfish.

29 Some jellyfish species that used to live in shallow h2o may exist moving to deep water.

30 Dr Karen Hansen's views well-nigh jellyfish need to be confirmed by additional research.

31 It is possible to opposite the consequences of climate alter.

32 The research findings of Paul Dewar have been accepted by other academics.

Questions 33-36
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write the correct letter in boxes 33-36 on your reply sheet.

33 What is the writer doing in the 4th paragraph?

34 What does the writer conclude in the fifth paragraph?

35 What is the author'southward main point in the sixth paragraph?

36 The author refers to the 'scyphozoa' in order to

Questions 37-40
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, beneath.

A it was wrong to assume that jellyfish do not slumber.
B sure species of jellyfish accept changed their usual nutrition.
C jellyfish tin be observed and tracked in means that do not injure them.
D ane particular type of jellyfish may be able to alive forever.
E there are more types of jellyfish than previously realised.
F some jellyfish are more unsafe to humans than one time thought.

Select the right alphabetic character, A-F, in boxes 37-xl.

37 Researchers working in Norway and the Arctic have shown that

38 The employ of Dna sequencing and isotope assay has proved that

39 Inquiry into 'upside-down jellyfish' showed that

40 Post-obit research in the Mediterranean Sea, information technology has been claimed that


(Q.1 to Q.10)

one. True

2. Truthful

3. False

4. True

5. Not Given

vi. False

7. banking

8. chemical limerick

9. windows

10. analogy

(Q.11 to Q.xx)

11. lectures

12. fossils

13. stress

fourteen. iv

15. seven

16. i

17. viii

xviii. v

nineteen. 3

twenty. D

(Q.21 to Q.30)

21. C

22. A

23. East

24. three minutes / iii minutes

25. first timers / 1st timers

26. animations

27. No

28. Yep

29. Not Given

thirty. No

(Q.31 to Q.twoscore)

31. Not Given

32. Yes

33. B

34. A

35. C

36. B

37. C

38. Eastward

39. A

40. D

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I am going to join duscussion

Karan Brar

Very very poor, virtually of the answers do not friction match to this. Totally time waste

Faria Waseem

Faria Waseem

viii months ago

question 8 and 9 doesn't seems to be right ,Instead of illustration it should exist POTTERY, and despite of chemic composition their should exist Windows.




The question in #8 doesn't seem to fit the right reply.

At the Palazzio Medici there was a subconscious 'studio' which had no: chemical composition

THAT DIDNT Make Whatsoever SENSE

# 9 answer also didnt make any FVCKING sense.


33/twoscore, it was a great test, thnx


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